Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 5

I just got done re-reading my post from last night! Boy I was out of it but it did give me a good laugh! There's always an upside to everything.
For day 5 we went to the base tree lighting! The kids and I went with my other "sister wives." I say that because we had one husband, three woman and a lot of kids. Always makes for a good time!

This is Christopher walking with his "woman" Maddy to the tree lighting.

Say hi to a blurry Lindsey! She's a fellow sister wife!

There it is our base tree. We were still walking when they started to light it. Of course we had to make an grand entrance!

Lol this is Sarah and she is the other wife. She very well could kill me for this picture.

While waiting in line for Santa the boys showed some brotherly love!

This is such a couples picture. She looking at something and he holding her shoulders. Her daddy could very well beat him. Christopher is a lover not a fighter!

It's a Delorenzo Christmas! Darn camera!

Maddy is with Santa! Isn't she a doll! I did get a pic with Santa but its on Sarah's camera so ill get that up when she does.
Sorry there is no elf pictures tonight. Christopher told me this morning that he wasn't up for a picture. Lol kids they just don't know what's good for them. As for the preview I decided against it tonight.
It was a good mellow kind of night and that my friends completes day five. Sweet dream y'all.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 4!

What a day! It started off by me sleeping thru my alarm. Which I might add never happens to me. I instantly up once I hear it go off. That should of been my indication to stay in bed!
Once I got Peyton off of his bus I got Christopher ready. He of course wanted to look for mexi. Which was fine because I still needed to do my morning tinkle! Haha

Here he is with Mexi who ate all the cookies! Christopher had big plans for those cookies! So today I had full intentions on me and the boys making lots of sugar cookies. However I had a massive headache (still do), no voice and two crabby kids. So instead if cookies, I gave them a 1$ "craft" project.

Got to love target!

They then decorated their trees with sticker!

This project actually kept the interested!

Peyton decorated his to the counter!

Here's Peyton and his tree! I was trying to get him to hold it up to show everyone but all he did was repeat everything I was saying to him sooo I gave up!

Here's Christopher with his!

Kellen was very needy today so he pretty much hung out on my hip! Well I'm dozing off while writing this, so forgive me if it makes no sense because I'm not going to proff read! Good night y'all! Wish me luck on sleeping off this headache!

Look who's got a headache too but I personally think he's faking! ;)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 3!

And so here we are day 3 of the 25 days of Christmas! Plus day three of blogging! Be proud heather but don't hold your breath. O where to start! Ah yes Mexi the elf! I didn't get the belly laughing reaction I was hoping for! Instead I got this!

He just giggled and posed for his picture! Wah Wah Wah! I thought it was hilarious!
Our Christmas craft didn't start until the boys were out of school.

Can u guess what we made?

Christmas trees!!!

This was a project even Peyton could enjoy! See the licking of the lips! Haha

Although he just ate icing most of the project!

He LoVE's it!

Now time for the tree decor! Do you see my pretty tree!

Let pose with the final results!

Here's Peyton's tree!

Now time time to eat! Lol he complained of getting his hands dirty so he ended up eating like this

Peyton didn't care! Don't you just love to see how different each child is!
Christopher also finished the ornaments today!

He did great!!

He even got to hang them on the tree! I'm really starting to enjoy this new tradition. It such a reward to see them so excited! I highly recommend this to everyone!!
O and here is your mexi preview!

That naughty Mexi ate all the cookies! Shame on him! 😉

Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 days of Christmas!

Day 2:
So I'm wanting to do funny things with Mexi to give the boys a good laugh!!

How did I do? He thought the flour was a jar of snow! ;) I couldn't wait to see their reaction when the boys got up this morning to find Mexi! It took Christopher a little bit but here they found him!

This picture cracked me up! Christopher couldn't believe the mess he made! And Peyton just kept repeating everything Christopher said and did. Which is why Peyton is pointing! Christopher has been talking about Mexi and what he did, so I must of done well! For our day 2 of the 25 days of Christmas we made clay ornaments.

I first got the ingredients ready for the boys. Only THREE ingredients, water, baking soda and corn starch. All of which I had on hand! Yay budget friendly project!! haha can anyone tell that In this picture Peyton shirt is on backwards and he's looking at a book with planes in it! He's so interested in what we're doing!

Peyton got to pour the water while Christopher got to stir.

Once he stirred it together I transferred it into a pot and started to cook it on the stove. I had the boys mix everything together in this bowl because I didn't want Peyton to think he can prepare things over the stove. I rather be safe than sorry!

Once it's in a mash potato form I took it off to cool with a damp towel over it.

Then I knead the dough and passed it to Christopher to start his job. Do you like his picture taking skills. :)

He's a pro with a rolling pin!

I had them use cookies cutters! They both loved this part!


I even got him to stay long enough to say cheese to the camera!

Christopher got so good at kneading, rolling and cutting! I was a proud mama!

And there you have it! We didn't have time to paint today, so we will finish that part tomorrow! I highly recommend this project! It's on Pintrest ladies!
Ooo and here a sneak of what Mexi did tonight.

I'll report back tomorrow with day three and the reactions to this!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Traditions

Ok so I'll be the first to admit I can not keep up with post! My last post was a pregnancy announcement and well he is now one! Yay dedicated! Go ME! ;)
 Today I started a new Christmas tradition. The 25 days Christmas y'all as well as the elf on the shelf! I can not take credit of these traditions. I am just trying to keep up with a few other crafty moms I know. I'm going to attempt to keep the ideas small and well cheap. I'll do my best to keep you all in the loop as we begin this new tradition.
DAY 1:
Last night I at least wanted to set up the decor of our "north pole" breakfast.

This is my set up without the food. I was trying to decide if I wanted to stay up and prepare the food or just go to bed. Well, I went to bed and decided to just wake up before the boys to prepare everything else.

I woke up at six and tried to sneak down ( waking Peyton in the process) to start the food. As you can see there wasn't a lot to do but presentation is what really mattered to me.

I also set out their gift from Santa. Which was the elf on the shelf, the advent calendars as well as an additional book for each kid.

So first down the stairs was Peyton and I think I for sure confused him because he walked to the tree and said "presents!" Which of course there wasn't any but he was still excited about donuts.

I told him he couldn't eat until Christopher came down.

So he started in on the chocolate milk that I've been depriving them of for months now.

Finally after waiting for a bit Christopher decided to come down! He was so excited to see the set up. It totally made it all worth it!

Of course when you see a gift who would want to eat first!!!

And here he is Mexi the elf. Christopher named him that because he said that the elf looks like a Mexican. In his defense I did get the darker skinned one. Haha that's what I get for buying online. It was hard to tell in the picture and I'm not really one to read fine print. Besides not all of Santa's helpers are white! ;) We then went on to read our books and of course the book that explained what Mexi was all about. Christopher has been extra good and has been talking about him reporting good things to Santa. Now Peyton on the other hand it had no effect on him but hopefully he will pick up on it. Oh and p.s next year I will find better advent calendars because the snow balls aren't staying. What does everyone else do for their advent calendars?

All and all it was a successful first day of Christmas! Stay tune!